3 Proven Tips to Gain a Higher Social Media Following for Businesses

Are you a business and want to build Real followers? If the answer is Yes then you have come to the right place.
How many of you have said the famous line “I don’t care how many social media followers I have”?  It’s likely every one of you has said it at least once – but in reality it’s fair to say we do care….we care a lot in fact.
Having a large Social Media following is not the “be all and end all” and it is certainly does not prove the legitimacy and value of a social media account.  That being said, having a high following count is far from being insignificant and can be as beneficial as you want it to be.  The higher your following, the greater the scope of potential reach and influence you will have in sharing your message.
Whether we like it or not people will always automatically look at your following count first and unfortunately this can influence their decision on whether to follow you or not.  Gaining a higher following is easier than you think; which is why we have chosen our top 3 tips and broken it down into simple and easy steps which have proven to increase your following count.
Follow Legitimate and Relevant Accounts

1. Follow Legitimate and Relevant Accounts

To get followed, you should first be a better than average supporter. Simply following random accounts is a sure fire quick way to hit irrelevance and turn off any target demographic or niche that you may be operating in.  In the world of spam updates and cluttered social feeds, being relevant in 2018 has become a necessity when dealing in social media management.
Now and again simply following niche specific and authentic accounts can see your weight within a community grow exponentially, after-all if somebody is interested in the area your work, the chances are they share your follows and therefore have more in common with you.
In any case, more vitally, following great, dynamic accounts in your business vertical will give you a base of individuals with whom to associate, which as we’ll see beneath has an incentive in a few distinctive routes for devotee growth.
Here are some approaches to take to search good accounts:

  • Look at who the Influencers are following: Who Influencers follow is a great place to start with growing your follower base, especially if they have a positive follow-to-following ratio.  What does follow-to-following ratio mean? It means that they are followed by numerous people yet moderately follow few back.  That way you know they are specific about whom they follow, and the general user accounts they follow will probably be of a high calibre.


  • Twitter Lists: A list is a curated group of Twitter accounts. You can create your own lists or subscribe to lists created by others. On Twitter, I strongly suggest you verify whether key individuals you’re following have any lists created and subscribe to them (Providing they are relevant to you and your business).  Viewing a list timeline will show you a stream of Tweets from only the accounts on that list which will give you an indication on who to follow based on their content and relevance to you.


  • Groups and Communities: This is very similar to Twitter Lists, your aim here is to be as active and sociable as you can be.  Join groups and communities on all social Networks.  Sharing valuable contributions consistently and interacting with other communities will only shine you in a great light and will increase your Network.

Be Active and Engaging

2. Be Active and Engaging

Liking, Re-tweeting or Re-posting someones post is good but it’s not good enough.  Tell people why you are sharing this content and why you liked it, add a comment and always tag the original poster.  Not only does this demonstrate that you are a real person (not a bot), but it also gives you exposure to the right people.  It shows you are interested in what they are sharing whilst showcasing your views and values to other people, in return gaining new followers.
It is key to communities and potential followers that you are highly relevant to what they interested in and what they want to see.  Nobody wants to follow someone who has no insight or relevant dialogue on the subjects that they are interested in, in an ideal world irrelevant information would be automatically filtered out – but in liu of that, the follow/unfollow mentality replaces that.
It cannot be understated how important it is to show these potential followers that not only are you real but you also share a common interest with them when it comes to the niche that you are operating and in, the same niche they are active/interested in.

Have Something Relevant to Show and Share

3. Have Something Relevant to Show and Share

Following up firmly on point number 2: think, “why do I follow other people?.  It’s usually because they have something interesting and valuable to share.  The same rules apply to you! If you want people to follow you, you have to be worth following (simple right?!).  That means having content that is interesting and appealing that makes people want to engage and share your values.  These two simple things below can add real value and substance to your profile:

  • A completed Profile: It’s amazing how many people do not spend the time and effort to complete their social media profiles, something that can take as little as 5 minutes yet if not done can be damaging to you.  You should aim to complete all relevant fields, the more information you provide about who you are and what you do, the more likely you are to attract visitors.  Your objective is to interest people in your story to influence them into following you.  Make sure you use keywords in your Bio that are relevant to you and your field.  More importantly a relevant profile picture and cover image is paramount as this is the first thing visitors will see when looking at your profile – people literally do judge a book by its cover.
  • A valuable Feed: Ensure that your timeline is always valuable and up-to-date showing recently shared content.  Most people will scroll half way down your timeline to seed who you are and what you are about, to see how active and engaging you are and to make sure they are not going to receive junk from you.  If you haven’t posted in a while people get bored and will switch off.  Why bother following someone who is not sharing any content on a regular basis.  Some social networks will allow you to pin/favourite a post, in these instances use it to your advantage and pin/favourite your latest most valuable piece of content.  This means it will appear at the top of your feed and instantly attract new visitors.

Clearly there are numerous other things that you can do to increase your social media growth that are not just limited to the above 3 things, these are just the top 3 areas that our social media experts at SocialWarehouse suggest you focus on going into 2018 of social media management.
If you want the UK’s number one social media management team to handle these things for you, then head on over to our services and pricing or contact us now and we can get you started straightway

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